Puppies grow up so fast! In the blink of an eye, they have grown bigger than one could imagine. A 9-month-old Great Pyrenees named “Chou Chou” stands almost as tall as a horse. He lives with his owner in Japan. His hooman mother generously shares his photos on Twitter, and here is one with Chou Chou hugging his mother from behind her. His size for a young Great Pyrenees puppy is incredible!
The photo reveals that Chou Chou is hugging his Mama from behind while standing on his 2 hind paws. He may be a huge dog, but he still feels like her baby. His heartwarming antics melt the hearts of his owner’s followers when his photos are shared on social media. Those who have continuously followed Chou Chou’s timeline did not expect him to grow up fast at less than a year old. Most of them wondered if he would still grow bigger as the years passed.
Generally, the weight of a male Great Pyrenees dog can reach 60 kilograms, while a female adult dog can reach about 40 kilograms. Although Chou Chou’s size can be compared to a pony, he loves to give Mama hugs as though he is still a baby! It’s really touching to see how much he loves Mama.
When photos of Chou Chou were shared online, netizens were amused and left comments:
“Will he still grow some more?”
“This dog must have been magnified larger by a magnifying glass.”
“It must be very comfortable to hold! 😆”
“They all grow up as fast as a storm passes.”
“I really want to be surrounded by dogs. I’m envious.”
If you want to follow Chou Chou and see more of him on his timeline, follow him on his Twitter account @chouchou_the_g!
▼ Here are some Twitter posts showing Chou Chou playing with his Mama:
Mama is about to be crushed! 😆
Click HERE.
▼ You can also check out ChouChou’s timeline video below:
A dog likes to be loved and will return the favor to you. No matter how their ages advance, they will always be the puppies you were very fond of while they were growing up.
Screenshot images credits: © 山奥暮らしのシュシュ | 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕦/Twitter
YouTube Video credits: © 山奥暮らしのシュシュ