FACT: Losing a Pet is as Heartbreaking as Losing a Family Member. Here are the Reasons Why…

Families are full of joy when a furbaby arrives. Most of them adopt puppies from shelters and provide them with a forever home. Soon, they are already considered a part of the family. Nothing compares to the happiness these furbabies bring, and their loyalty to their owners is without equal.

However, the lifespan of pets is short compared to humans. Although we would love to spend long years with our furbabies, the day of their departure always comes sooner than we expected. Their passing is inevitable. Believe it or not, losing a furbaby is just as heartbreaking as losing a human family member. That rush of emotions that suddenly occupies you… sadness, pain, regret, feeling sorry for yourself… these mood swings make us unable to free ourselves from them, no matter how we try. 😢

Most people have wondered, what are the reasons for this heartbreaking feeling, this unfathomable sense of loss and emptiness when our pets die? Scientists have studied them and have interviewed pet lovers. Now, they have the answers:

1. Similar relationship with our parents and children.

Many pet lovers who considered them as part of their family must have felt it. Taking care of a furbaby is similar to raising a child. Our pets, just like our babies, depend on us and are attention-seekers. Once that relationship with a furbaby is severed through death, it is as painful as losing a child. It becomes too unbearable to accept.

2. Daily life activities.

When you come home from a busy day at the office, school, or elsewhere, the furbabies greet you with enthusiasm. When you are cooking or doing other household chores, they would rub your foot, jump, or grab your leg as a sign that they want to play. You often go outdoors for walks and play games in the backyard. However, when they are gone, these times are empty. You feel at a loss and stare into space remembering them. It is especially heartbreaking to see things they used to play with or places you frequently go with them.

3. Don’t rush losing emotions. Take your time to move on.

Face your emotions. Being sad and heartbroken due to loss is an instinct. Never suppress your emotions. The more you will hurt. When remembering memories, you have made together, cherish them. Scientists reveal that sharing your emotions with a family member or close friends may help ease the pain. Some people who have lost a pet hold a farewell ceremony and gather things, such as photos or toys, for a small ritual. Go to places where you have been with your furbaby. Reminisce and remember happy thoughts.

Always remember: there is no rush in putting away all their belongings and photos they have left behind. Wait until you dare to talk about them and laugh at every hilarious moment. It is never too late to deal with the material things. Let’s just hope that they have left many happy memories to look back on. Everything will be okay. 😊❤️

Images credits: © Pixabay

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About the Author: Ria P. Jacinto

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