Almost all expectant mothers are nervous when they realize their due date is near. Childbirth is not a walk in the park. Mothers are in dire need of emotional and physical comfort before and during the stages of expectancy. Olivia Lachenauer, a first-time mother, was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 2-year-old Penny, a service dog who provides comfort to Olivia, can always sense her emotional distress and intervene in time to make her relax. She is smart and sensible, and her arrival in Olivia’s life has proved worthy. Penny has always paid attention to Olivia’s situation, especially when she became pregnant with her first child.
▼ Penny has received professional training and is always very calm. One day, she walked beside Olivia as though she wanted to warn her. Olivia was in the final stages of her pregnancy. While she was preparing for her pre-natal tests, she was under a lot of pressure. Penny was sensitive to her distress but behaved calmly so Olivia would instantly calm down.
▼ Olivia and Penny were comforting one another, with Penny assuring her she was going to be okay. However, the service dog sensed something was off when he sniffed her belly. During the tests, there were strong contractions. Olivia knew it was time for her to give birth, but she still insisted on completing the tests and called her parents for assistance. That night, Olivia successfully gave birth to a baby boy.
▼ After the birth of the baby, Penny felt relieved for Olivia. Only then did Olivia realize that the service dog was reminding her of her impending due date, and she had to stay calm during the birthing process, however strenuous it may be.
▼ After Penny’s little hooman brother arrived, she was happy to render her services as a part-time nanny to the newborn, aside from being Olivia’s therapy dog. When Penny hears the baby cry, she instantly runs to comfort him and protects him while he sleeps. Penny has devoted her life to the family, and Olivia is reassured. Olivia thought that with Penny’s presence in their household, the baby would be in good hands.
Penny has undergone professional training in being a therapy and service dog, and she can easily sense the subtle changes in her owner’s emotions. Although ordinary dogs have the same ability, therapy dogs are taught to respond immediately to their distress and assist when needed. However, there is no doubt that all dogs have the same level of love and loyalty to their owners. Additionally, with their level of loyalty, they are willing to sacrifice everything for their owners. Hence, they are called “man’s best friend”! ❤️
Images credits: © FluffyTW