Cats are known to be wanderers, even if they have a family who loves and adores them. Although their movements are mild and they have a calm temperament, cats are famous for being their own boss and tend to wander in several places before they come back home. Such an instance occurred in January to a woman who raised a gray British shorthair cat. She was out of her home doing errands when she received a call from her mother that the family cat had suddenly gone missing. Fortunately, the cat was chipped. However, when she resorted to the app to find her beloved pet, she was surprised to realize it was 1,600 kilometers away! Additionally, she needed to fly to the area and immediately retrieve her lost cat.
“Yangtze Evening News” reported that a woman named Ms. Zhang from Zhejiang, a province in China, raised a gray British shorthair cat named “Mantou”. Earlier this year, the family realized that Mantou suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Ms. Zhang was prepared and had the cat chipped. That was how she came to know where Mantou had gone. When she used her tracking app, she saw that Mantou was 1,600 kilometers away from her area. Ms. Zhang began to worry that something unpleasant might happen to Mantou if she did not find the cat on time, so she rushed to buy a plane ticket and flew to the location of Mantou.
Several unpleasant scenarios came into Ms. Zhang’s mind. She was so frightened that her beloved Mantou may have been caught by poachers who illegally catch cats and dogs. Another scenario came into her mind that several domesticated pets might be placed in trucks and sold for profit. After Ms. Zhang learned that Mantou was in Guangzhou, Guangdong, she asked the police for assistance to retrieve her cat. Many volunteers engaged in animal protection also joined the rescue. Her speculation was on point. Ms. Zhang successfully found the truck where her app led her to find Mantou. She found her beloved cat, among others, and most were shocked.
After a successful rescue, Ms. Zhang informed the police officers of her original location in Huzhou, Zhejiang. On January 5, she received a phone call from her mother that Mantou had gone missing. She usually goes out wandering in the street but will return home early in the evening. Ms. Zhang is aware of cats’ behavior, so she had Mantou chipped with a tracking collar. However, she never expected that her beloved cat would be 1,600 kilometers away. How Mantou ended up in such a far place, she will never know.
Fortunately, with the help of volunteers and the local police, Ms. Zhang successfully retrieved Mantou and the other cats from poachers. Her cat was unharmed but was frightened. Ms. Zhang considered herself very lucky. “The volunteers who helped me find the cats all said it was a ‘miracle’ that I found them,” she recalled. “Although many owners let their fur babies wear tracking collars, they may be removed by poachers. Fortunately, Mantou was relatively fat, and the locator was worn under his neck, so it was not easily visible, so he was successfully rescued.”
Images credits: © The Yangtze Evening News