Many pet owners will agree that dogs are the most loyal companions. They are considered as “man’s best friend”. Dogs love to go on walks with their owners, watch and protect them every day, and wait for them to arrive home from school or work. Raising a dog may be hard work and tiring. However, they are devoted and big-hearted beings to their hooman parents.
Although our beloved canine companions make good buddies, their lifespan is shorter than humans, and they cannot accompany their owners longer than expected. Therefore, when a beloved dog passes away, it is like losing a family member and a best friend. At times, the pain is so hard to bear that many owners no longer raise another dog after losing the first. It is not easy to divert your emotions to a new pet, assuming that you may lose them again after a few years.
If you own a dog, pay attention to its movements and reactions. You may not seem noticeable, but here are 3 warning signs that your beloved furbabies are nearing their last days. Look for these signs on your dog and be aware:
(1) Your dog walks unsteadily and wobbles at times. When they were young, they were very strong, and their movements were stable. When their age advances, they start to wobble and are unwilling to walk, even for a short distance. They just like to rest and bask in the sun at times.
(2) They easily get tired and pant after a few steps. This is a sign that the dog’s health is declining. When the panting sound gets to be more palpable, especially accompanied by a wheezing sound, spend more time with them now. Their last days are near.
(3) The more apparent sign is your beloved dog eats less and at times, stops eating. You will notice them become thinner as the days pass. Even a little drink of water would be difficult for them.
If your beloved dog shows these signs, bring them immediately to the vet for a thorough examination. The doctors will know your dog’s condition and will decide when and how to proceed with the next steps.
I know how it feels to lose a beloved furbaby. The pain is beyond compare. If only it was possible for them to have a longer lifespan. However, we should always be ready for the inevitable. After all, not everything lasts forever. C’est la vie! 😢
Images credits: © Pixabay