A shelter dog who returned back a week after he was adopted felt very devastated since he spent 500 days waiting for a family he could call his own. For many dogs living in a shelter, days can turn to months, then to years, while they patiently wait for adoptive parents to take them into their forever homes.
Some dogs have it easy and find forever homes quickly, while others, such as a dog named Drogo, had to bear long periods of doubtfulness but with high hopes for a better future. Living inside an enclosure in a shelter is much better than wandering the streets. However, the loneliness dogs feel inside a kennel for almost 2 years may very well affect the moods and emotions of our furry friends.
Drogo, an American Pitbull Terrier, arrived at the Austin Animal Center after his owner was forced out of his residence. He was supposed to come back and claim him when he found a new home, but he never came back. Poor Drogo had to find a new family to welcome him into their home. Months passed, but no one became a potential parent to the poor dog. Some dogs came to the shelter and were immediately adopted. However, poor Drogo stayed.
Soon, Drogo became the shelter’s longest resident. Although all the staff and volunteers loved him dearly, they wanted him to be happy with a new family who could provide him with a forever home.

One day, his wait was over. Drogo was adopted. The sweet dog who waited so long at the shelter finally found a family who took him in. However, only a week later, Drogo was returned to the shelter. It seems that the adoption did not work for him and the family. Drogo was devastated, and the staff at the shelter were heartbroken for him.
“We are all crushed that Drogo was returned to the shelter so quickly. He was one of the longest-stay dogs at the shelter, and now he’s back again. He’s devastated. It’s not fair,” one of the shelter workers wrote on TikTok. After waiting so long for a forever home, the family did not even give Drogo a proper chance.
@goodboygonehome We are all crushed that Drogo was returned to the shelter so quickly. He was one of the longest stay dogs at the shelter and now he’s back again. He’s devastated. It’s not fair. #austinanimalcenter #austinanimalshelter #longstay #adoptme #pitbulllove #pitbullsoftiktok #returned #shelterdog
Fortunately, the shelter did not give up on finding Drogo a good family. They posted videos, which garnered thousands of views, and several magazines wrote articles about him. Still, no applications for Drogo’s adoption came. The staff at the Austin Animal Center could not understand why no one was interested in adopting him because Drogo is such a good boy.

“He’s house-trained, loves walks, and is so sweet. Someone, please take him home!” a staff member said in one of her videos. However, no one was interested in adopting Drogo.
@goodboygonehome 74 pets found forever homes today at the annual Clear the Shelters event. So happy for all of them! Sadly, Drogo wasn’t one of them. He’s still waiting for his own family @Austin Animal Center #cleartheshelters #austinanimalcenter #austinanimalshelter #longstay #adoptme #pitbullsoftiktok #pitbulllove #shelterdog #dogsoftiktok #animalshelter
When he celebrated his 4th birthday, it was also Drogo’s 550th day at the shelter. A volunteer decided to throw him a party, and they all had the same wish for the sweet dog – to finally get adopted, but this time, truly forever.

A staff member wrote this as a birthday message for Drogo: “Drogo, you sweet boy… you didn’t deserve to wait that long, and you certainly didn’t deserve all the heartbreak. But you now have (hopefully) a forever home and a person who will be able to mend your broken heart. Enjoy the rest of your life!”
Images credits: © Austin Animal Center/Facebook
TikTok video credits: goodboygonehome