6-week-old Puppies were Found Inside a Pet Carrier in a Field, and Local Police Saved Them in Time

Some countries globally have been experiencing the scorching heat wave recently. One of them is Texas, USA. People are advised to take extra precautions in dealing with the hot weather nowadays. Keeping ourselves hydrated is one of them.

Recently, a passerby spotted an abandoned pet carrier with 8 puppies inside. It was left in a field under a scorching 38°Celsius hot day with no food and water for nourishment. The good Samaritan immediately called the local sheriff’s office, and police instantly rushed to the scene. Fortunately, the 8 puppies were rescued and sent to the veterinarian for full examination and treatment.


Reports from Sinchew Daily and The Dodo revealed that the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office in northeastern Texas responded to an emergency call, claiming that there were puppies abandoned in a field in a locked kennel cab. It was a sweltering hot day, and the police were hoping the puppies were okay and they are optimistic.

Photos released by the police showed the puppies were in good health but were a little dehydrated. Their limbs were quite weak at the time they were rescued. The rescuing police officers put them in their car, turned on the air conditioner, and gave them water for refreshments.


“They had no water on a 100° day,” the sheriff’s office wrote.

Netizens and concerned citizens were furious upon seeing the photos of the puppies on the police’s Facebook page. However, some were grateful to the sheriff’s department for rescuing the puppies in time.

“It’s too much. How can someone treat dogs like this?”

“It’s disgusting and cold-blooded!”

“Thank you for saving the puppies.”


The sheriff’s office said the puppies appear to be 6 weeks old and are likely a mix of shepherd breeds. They have been named after famous snacks: Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, Lays Potato, Cheese Itz, Doritos, and Pringles.

Officer Haley revealed that the puppies were fortunately in good health when they were rescued. They were sent to a veterinarian for a full check-up and treatment. After being given a clean bill of health, they were sent to the Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care & Adoption Center, a local animal shelter.

“They look much better now, and I hope every puppy can be adopted,” Officer Haley said.


A few days after they were rescued, the sheriff’s office shared an update bearing the happiest news: “All puppies have found placements!” they wrote, adding that one of their colleagues at the department also adopted one. “Thank you to everyone playing a crucial role in finding these puppies a safe, loving environment.”

Officer Haley said that she has a large hound at home and is unable to adopt a puppy. However, some of her colleagues did.


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Unfortunately, the department was unable to catch the person responsible for abandoning the puppies since there were no surveillance cameras in the area they were rescued.


Images credits: © Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook

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About the Author: Ria P. Jacinto

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