Teenager Living in Homeless Shelter Graduates a High School Valedictorian Despite the Odds He’s Been Through

Although we hear some youngsters claiming they dislike going to school, others persevere and pursue their dreams after graduating. Such is the story of Elijah Hogan’s journey, a teenager with sheer determination and resilience. Elijah was a student at the Walter L. Cohen High School in New Orleans while living in a homeless shelter called Covenant House. He pursued his dream graduate, but not without facing challenges that could have hindered his goals.

The challenges did not falter Elijah. He thrived in school. The best news? He graduated as a high school valedictorian with a stellar 3.89 GPA. Elijah’s achievement is astonishing for any student. Given his circumstances, his journey is an inspiration to everyone. Elijah has overcome all adversities and pushed through boundaries, setting a good example for anyone in similar situations.



Elijah Hogan was born in New Orleans. Growing up, his childhood was split between the varying cultures of New Orleans and Houston. He has 3 siblings. His background is marked by movement and change, and stability is temporary. When his grandmother’s lease expired, it left the siblings without a permanent home. Hence, Elijah courageously decided to move to Covenant House, a shelter for the homeless, rather than allowing the unfortunate situation to shatter his dreams. The move provided him independence and allowed him to focus more on his education, demonstrating maturity and dedication well beyond his years.



Elijah found more than just a place to stay when he moved to Covenant House. The shelter provided him with necessities: food, a place to sleep, and stability to enable him to complete high school successfully.

Elijah is grateful for the support Covenant House provided for his academic success, acknowledging that his journey might have been more difficult if not for their assistance.



Elijah’s journey was not easy despite all the support he was receiving. Fitting in and building trust were his common obstacles. Homelessness is transitory and often caves in a person with a sense of isolation and mistrust. Elijah experienced these firsthand.

Fortunately, the Covenant House community and his peers at school gradually helped him overcome the setbacks. They believed in his potential and encouraged him, which played a crucial role in his personal growth. Gradually, he overcame the challenges and focused more on his goals.



Jarkayla Cobb, Elijah’s case manager at Covenant House, highly praised him. She described Elijah as intelligent and determined and was very impressed by his achievements and character. Her support, along with the shelter community and his school, provided a network of motivation to boost his determination. Collective efforts such as this can have a strong impact on young people in need.


Elijah’s graduation was a memorable occasion. It was attended by his case worker and other supporters who were part of his journey to success. The pride and joy at the event were evident, which was of great significance in the breakthrough of Elijah’s life. The occasion was not only to mark his academic success but also to celebrate his resilience and determination. It was a time to reflect on the obstacles he went through during his journey and the strength he had shown in the face of difficulties.

After graduating, Elijah is preparing for a new chapter in his life. He has acquired a full scholarship at Xavier University, where he plans to major in Graphic Design. The scholarship is not only a recognition of his academic achievements but also a ticket to a brighter future. At Xavier, Elijah aims to pursue his goal and sharpen his skills to build the path for his lifelong ambitions.

After graduating from college, Elijah aims to publish his first comic book. The goal reflects on his creativity to tell stories that relate to others. The Graphic Design course will provide him with the tools to bring visions and concepts to life, and Elijah’s time at Xavier University will be a crucial period of his growth and learning. Elijah’s journey is a testament to the importance of pursuing one’s lifelong goal.

Elijah’s journey is a good example of what can be achieved with determination, support, and a strong motivation to succeed. His story is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Elijah’s advice to others undergoing similar challenges is simple yet sincere, “Push forward and do not let limitations hold you back. With resilience and hard work, anything is possible.”

Watch the video below to hear Elijah’s inspiring words about his accomplishments:

Screenshot images and Video credits: © 11Alive/YouTube

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About the Author: Ria P. Jacinto

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