Believe it or not, black bears are as playful as humans, too. They can be naughty sometimes. A zoo in the UK where these black bears reside discovered that a lake suddenly formed in the middle of the bear enclosure due to the heavy rains that occurred months ago. The zookeepers prepared a swan boat for the bears to ride in, and the bear family enjoyed the boat ride.
The Woburn Safari Park, located in the heart of Bedfordshire, UK, encountered heavy rains in March that caused a lake formation in the middle of a 13-acre black bear enclosure. The bear keepers decided to clean up a swan boat and place it in the lake. They also placed honey and nuts on the boat to attract the North American black bears to ride and explore around.
Their plan was successful! When the black bears smelled the food and realized it was coming from the swan boat, several of them climbed aboard and took a ride. When they realized how to make it move, they sat in rows on the boat and explored around the lake. They looked like tourists who were about to set off on a lake tour. The park’s staff shared photos and videos of their joyful ride on their official Instagram page. The heartwarming scene of the group of black bears enjoying the swan boat ride excited both the safari administrators and park visitors.
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There are 11 North American black bears currently residing in Woburn Safari Park. The park staff constantly provides various facilities or props to enrich and stimulate the bears’ life and behavior. Black bears are inquisitive and playful animals. It has been observed that they would run and play in human play facilities, such as swings, slides, and private swimming pools, among others. Just like humans, black bears like to have fun, too. Enjoy! ❤️
Images and Instagram post credits: © Woburn Safari Park @woburn_safari