A dog’s loyalty is like no other. They would stay beside their owners regardless of the situation. Hence, they are known to be “Man’s Best Friend”. In October, news in Colorado was released when the body of a man who had gone missing for 3 months was found alongside his faithful and resilient Jack Russell terrier. The dog, named Finney, is alive and well and is being hailed a “hero” for staying beside his master for months, even when he has passed away.
Richard Moore, 71, of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, went hiking along Blackhead Peak with Finney, the Jack Russell terrier. On August 19, they were reported missing when the duo did not return. Multiple rescue teams searched around the area of Blackhead Peak. Some searched on foot and some by air, but they were not found.
On October 30, Richard’s body was found by a hunter who was passing by the Lower Blanco drainage basin and discovered Finney still alive by his owner’s side. He immediately contacted the Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office and reported his findings. They agreed to fly to the area and recover the man’s body.
“On Tuesday, Oct. 31, sheriff’s office personnel, as well as members of the Upper San Juan Search and Rescue, were flown to the designated landing zone by the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control. They then located the body and positively identified him as Moore. The sheriff’s office said Moore was recovered by the team and flown off the mountain,” local news media, 9News reported.
The loyal terrier was sent to a local animal hospital to be examined after he was rescued. He was in good condition and was reunited with his family. It was reported that he survived off chipmunks and other insects within 3 months in the mountains.
Delinda Vanne-Brightyn, a member of the Taos Search and Rescue (TSAR), along with her certified K9 AkioYodasan, were part of the search party. “We searched from just under the peak-top and directly West, searching down the mountain toward where his car was located,” she said. “Winds were directly from the West/Southwest. It was so steep that we were inserted in by a helicopter. He was found 2.5 miles East of the mountaintop beneath where we were inserted.”
Delinda and the entire TSAR team have extended their condolences to the family. “We are glad they were able to gain some closure as well as bring their dog back home,” they wrote.

According to CNN, Archuleta County Coroner Bradley Hunt reported that Richard Moore died of “exposure/hypothermia”.
Netizens extended their condolences to the family online and praised Finney for being such a faithful dog, a true “hero”. They also expressed gratitude to the search and rescue teams for providing closure to the family.
“Amazing that the dog stayed with him. They are truly man’s best friend.”
“Kudos to the search team for their tenacity.”
“Thank you for rescuing them, and thank you, Buddy, for staying with him!”
“Dogs are faithful. At least, he did not die alone.”
Images credits: © DailyMail UK and Taos Search and Rescue @taossearchandrescue/Instagram