Most boys and girls aged 15 and 16 are in junior or senior high school levels. Teens who belong to that age group usually enjoy hanging out with friends, enjoying life while they are young, and having the most of what school activities have to offer. However, some teenagers say it is the most awkward stage. There is a saying that goes, “Girls aged 15 and 16 are too old for toys but too young for boys.”
A woman started having her first child when she was 15. At 35, she is a young mother of 12 children. Although there are people who envy her for having a large family, some criticize her for being inconsiderate of her children’s welfare. Additionally, her husband still wants to have more children.
“I think I’m done,” Britni said with a laugh, though she admitted her husband, Chris, 30, still wants to have more children.
35-year-old Britni Church is a stay-at-home mother who shares their family’s daily activities on social media. With her current husband, she has 6 children, namely: 7-year-old Silas, 5-year-old Christopher Jr., 3-year-old triplets Oliver, Asher, and Abel, and 11-month-old Rowyn. Britni had 6 children with 2 previous relationships, namely: Crizman, 17; Jordan, 16; Caleb, 14; Jace, 13; Cadence, 12; and Jesalyn, 10.
Her previous relationships ended in separation. For years, she lived a life as a single parent raising 6 kids. Fate took a turn for the better when she met 30-year-old Chris, who took care of Britni and her children as though they were his own. After they married, she had 6 more children with Chris, 3 of whom were triplets, and he still wants to have more children. When Britni was 32, she gave birth to her youngest, Rowyn. Now, they are a large family of 14 people! ❤️
“They were all vaginal except the triplets — with them, I had a C-section,” Britni said.
Britni Church instantly went viral when she shared photos and videos of their large family’s daily lives on social media. Many people were in awe of the young mom, but she also had to deal with online bashers who were shaming her for having too many children.
“I used to care so much about what others thought of me. Don’t let them mean comments get to you,” Britni said in one of the videos she shared. “Be someone who spreads positivity!”
In some of her videos, she has received criticisms ranging from being on welfare to contributing to overpopulation. People have made assumptions about her just because she has 12 children. Some were accusing her of being selfish.
“A lot of people assume we’re on welfare — we’re not,” Britni said. “I get a lot of questions like, ‘Are you Catholic? Are you religious?’ I’m Pentecostal, but that has nothing to do with why I have so many. I do not have any regrets about having such a big family. We are happiest when we’re all together.”
@ourlargefamilylife Isp by @thismadmama #largefamily #ourlargefamilylife #momtok #teenmom
Britni Church does not have any regrets about having a large family, and she loves her children very much. “Even if you gave me the whole world, I would not trade my children.”
Images and Video credits: © Britni Church @ourlargefamilylife/TikTok and @our_large_family_life/Instagram