Hugs and cuddles have always been Bella’s favorite activity. She was such a friendly pup, and her enthusiasm was endless until fate took an unexpected turn. Despite her bubbly personality, she could not find her forever home and stayed behind the shelter’s enclosure for more than 100 days, hoping for someone to adopt her.
When she was soon labeled as “The dog that nobody wanted,” she never expected it to be her worst nightmare. Being confined in a small enclosure for endless nights and days was too much for the high-spirited Bella.

When her owner’s landlord said “No” to Bulldog breeds, he was forced to surrender the 3-year-old pup to the Humane Society of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. However, despite the devastating separation between Bella and her owner, she did not lose her unique personality. She was always ready to embrace everyone who gave her even the smallest attention, the cutest pup among the rest.
“All of the staff and volunteers love her,” the HSBC team wrote on their TikTok account.
Months passed, and situations did not go as planned for the cute lovebug. Instead of immediately finding a new home for this beauty, she stayed confined to her kennel for over 100 days.

Bella hit rock bottom in exactly 130 days. She was slowly losing her enthusiasm, and soon, the happiness of the soulful pup faded away. Instead of flashing a big smile and the usual tail-wagging happiness she showed around the staff members, she was beginning to show signs of depression. She would just lie on the floor in front of her door with an empty look on her face and was uninterested in doing any kind of activity.
“She’s starting to shut down… We’re not sure why adopters have passed her by because Bella is so fantastic,” the HSBC team wrote. Suddenly, they came up with an idea to find Bella a new home. Without delay, they printed a sign describing Bella’s dilemma and placed it on Bella’s door.

Soon afterward, they created a video and shared it on their official TikTok page, hoping people would fall in love with the cute pup. Unexpectedly, thousands of people responded to their post in just a few hours. In less than a day, Bella found a forever home! A true miracle for the lovable pup!
A woman from Delray Beach, Florida, drove all the way to the shelter after watching the video, hoping to be the first in line to adopt Bella. It finally happened! Bella was officially adopted.
As soon as they met, Bella and her new mom realized they belonged to each other. According to the caregivers, the pup and her new mom shared the same energy, and it was not long before they immediately bonded when they saw each other.

Almost immediately, Bella was in the car with her new mom, her best friend in the world! She was ready to embark on a new journey and make fond memories in her forever home. For Bella, life was going to be “pawfect!”
Screenshot images credits: © Humane Society Broward County @humanebroward/TikTok