A hungry dog was denied his favorite snack during a train ride, and the passenger behind him was able to capture his antics on camera. The 4 images were shared on social media and have since gone viral. The shots captured the frustration of the pooch while he tried to reach for a packet of prawn cocktail-flavored crisps on the table of the passenger behind him. Since he could not reach for the crisps from in between the seats, he finally realized that it was not his for the taking.
All images were shared by Instagram user @hugoandursula, and re-shared by Gary Lineker, the ambassador for Walkers crisps. The photos showed a beautiful Golden Retriever staring at the crisps at the table behind through the gap between the 2 seats.
One of the images captured shows the dog stuffing his nose in the gap between the seats in hopes that he could reach the snacks that were on the table behind. On the third shot, the hungry pooch tried desperately to reach for the crisps with his tongue, but to no avail, although it was just merely a few more inches away.
Feeling frustrated, the hungry pooch showed his teeth to the passenger behind when they refused to give him some crisps. The photo was compared by some netizens to Jack Nicholson’s iconic creepy face in the cult movie from the 1980s, The Shining. Many dog lovers around the world left hilarious comments about the 4-photo collage, with many thoroughly amused with the outcome.
@awpchristie tweeted in all caps: “I NEED TO KNOW THE ENDING!”
@Elektrickery wrote: “Did it have a happy ending? For the dog, obvs.”
@ChasingtheMind was one of many who agreed that the hungry pooch deserved the crisps: “Give. Him. All. The. Crisps.”
Cover photo credits: My Modern Met
Images credits: © Ursula Daphne Aitchison @hugoandursula/Instagram