It is the best 18th birthday gift a foster child can have! A young man named Roman Balassaitis from Green Cove Springs, Florida, received the best pre-birthday gift just hours before his 18th birthday. He finally has a loving family he could call his own. Renee and Brad Balassaitis, a couple with sincerest commitment to foster care, transformed Roman’s life of uncertainty into one full of hope, love, and happiness. Roman finally has a bright future ahead of him.
Looking back at his life’s journey, the end of the road to this joyful day was not easy for Roman. He moved from 19 different homes since he was 11, living a life of uncertainty and change. Being in the foster care system is never easy for children who dream of having a family who will take them in and love them when the day comes.
Life turned out better when Roman met the Balassaitis family. Renee and Brad have fostered 20 children and adopted 7 others. They discovered that Roman had a strong spirit that deserved a loving home and a forever family.
“I was sweating badly. My heart was beating. I was very happy,” Roman told First Coast News, encapsulating the overwhelming emotions of the day.
The couple was aware of the urgency of Roman’s adoption since he was hours away from his 18th birthday. The state of Florida releases children in foster care when they reach 18, and the opportunity for state-supported adoption disappears since they are considered adults. Unfortunately, the move leads them to homelessness and a life of uncertainty.
“So now we know we have nine kids, officially,” Brad happily shared, reflecting on the significance of Roman’s adoption just in the nick of time.
Roman first stayed with the Balassaitis family when he was 12. Initially, he faced challenges, including fear of abandonment. In the end, the family’s love and persistence prevailed. However, a chance reconnection through social media brought Roman back to the couple, which led to his adoption.
Renee could no longer contain her happiness to be Roman’s mom officially. In an interview with First Coast News, she said, “I know he’s very relieved. We’re relieved. He’s going to do so well. He just needed to know people believed in him, and he was wanted and chosen.”
The same sentiment is shared by many children in foster care, especially older ones, who often feel overlooked and undervalued.
Roman’s story is a constant reminder of how countless children in the United States yearn for a similar happy ending. The statistics are sobering; many of them fear they will age out of the system without the support and love of a forever family. Hopefully, Roman’s story will reach out to parents who can consider fostering or adopting to change the life of a foster child.
Renee and Brad do not hide the fact that being a foster parent isn’t always easy. However, the couple admits it is worth it. There will be difficulties and complex issues, such as schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder, that the foster children may manifest. The couple consider their journey very rewarding, being driven by a deep sense of purpose, determination, and faith.
▼ Watch the video below to witness Roman’s beautiful adoption story!
Screenshot images and Video credits: © First Coast News/YouTube
Unsplash images credits: © Sandy Millar and Inbal Marilli