Thousands of people go to the beach, no matter what season we currently have. Although walking on the seashore on a hot day provides us peace and a sense of nostalgia, hot sand can cause sunburn on our feet. It is often advised to wear shoes or jelly sandals suitable for the beach to prevent even a small injury. Incidentally, other people like burrowing their feet on the sand while they walk. Rare creatures from the sea sometimes come to shore and bury themselves halfway into the sand. Some people might accidentally step on them, which prompts them to retaliate.
Early in May, 30-year-old Dennis in Singapore visited the beach and discovered a rare species of fish with its head poking out of the sand near the shore. Initially, he assumed it was a toy. However, when he approached the fish head, it began spitting water and buried itself completely in the sand when he got close. Fortunately, he was able to take a video of the fish head before it disappeared into the sand.
Beachgoers were curious about what type of species the fish was. Dennis later revealed on Instagram that it was a Longnosed Stargazer, a fish similar to the Scorpion Fish or Stone Fish. They belong to the Uranoscopidae family, whose bodies possess venomous spines and can cause pain when a person is stung!
Burrowed halfway in the sand with its face poking out, they wait for unsuspecting prey, such as small fish, octopuses, and squids to swim by. They are attracted to the worm-like filaments on their lips and nose that lead them to their demise when they come close.
“I think that such marine creatures evoke a sense of wonder, awe, and appreciation for the natural world. There is so much to observe, discover, and learn about these fascinating creatures in the world that we live in, especially so in Singapore, where we are in a region of great marine biodiversity,” Dennis said. “Our dream was always for us to be the bridge between humans and wildlife and to build positively on the curiosity that these animals bring to us.”
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“These animals that live in our midst should not be seen as ugly, unwanted nor feared, and that was not what the video was intended for,” said Dennis, upon noticing some unpleasant comments on his post on Instagram.
The Longnosed Stargazer may be a rare find on the beaches of Singapore, but these sea creatures may appear on any beach globally. They usually bury their entire body in the sand with their heads sticking out, waiting for unsuspecting prey. When you see them on the beach, it is best to just let them be and never provoke them. Pay attention to safety, and you can observe them from a distance.
Images credits: © The Untamed Paths @untamed_paths/Instagram