The owner of a shed wondered every day why the table he left messy the night before was tidy, and all the stuff was neatly placed in a box. Who would enter... Read more »
Animal lovers start introducing pets to their children from the time they are born. More often than not, these children grow up being best friends with their pets and are amused by... Read more »
For unknown reasons, stray dogs like to sit on the roof of parked cars. Theories from animal lovers claim that they love the flat and elevated surface of the car roof so... Read more »
There is a saying that goes, “Do not let looks deceive you.” However, people looking to adopt from shelters seem to be taking home pets that instantly catch their eyes. A short-haired... Read more »
Imagine waking up to unwanted guests while staying in a hotel. A ‘not so’ unusual incident occurred in a 3-star hotel in Plzen, Czech Republic, when a couple woke up to unexpected... Read more »
People everywhere seem to be busy all the time. Whether they are a student reviewing for upcoming exams, an employee doing an honest job for the day, a mother taking care of... Read more »
In 2022, the unofficial title of “The Tiniest Dog in Britain”, which was previously awarded to a dog named Daisy, now belongs to a very tiny Chihuahua. Bardo was only under 8in.... Read more »
Although people say, “Age doesn’t matter”, how many people pursue a ‘no-age-limit’ relationship? Most people admit that they prefer to have a partner whose age is not far from theirs. The news... Read more »
During Winter, the temperature of the weather changes between day and night, and it gets so cold that people shiver while they engage in conversation. Smoke comes out of their mouth... Read more »
K9 police dogs are hardworking and are trained well until they are ready to be deployed. They contribute so much to just a few years of duty. However, most of these K9s... Read more »