We have to admit. Our pet’s facial expressions often make us laugh. They may be serious, but it is hilarity for us. A Pitbull named Ottis is known for being a playful pup. He shows shocked expressions in unexpected situations, and his family calls him “a little drama star.” One day, Ottis and his Mama went out for a drive. He assumed they were going to the park for some fun. However, when they arrived at their destination, Ottis let out a shocked facial expression. They arrived at the vet! His stunned expression was caught on video, and netizens were amused. 😆
Ottis recognized the place outside their vehicle window and instantly realized they had not arrived in a park but at the vet. He was so shocked his eyes widened, and he felt uneasy.
Ottis: “Oh, no… how did we end up in this place!?”
The confusion on Ottis’ face was evident in the video. His eyes were wide open as he looked out the window. He knew that he dreaded this place.
Ottis’ Mama revealed that he did not like vet visits very much. Every time they arrive at the clinic, he seems like he is ab out to jump out the window. Fortunately, he never succeeded and never damaged the car window. 😆
Netizens were sympathetic to Ottis’ genuine fear of vet visits. However, they were also amused by his hilarious facial expression caught on video that earned him the name “drama star.”
“Please take Ottis to the park after seeing the vet!”
“His expression is like saying: ‘Wait. Wait! Damn it! This shouldn’t be the place, right?’”
“The look in his eyes speaks volumes.”
“He felt so betrayed, didn’t he?”
“He is like a child who realized that he has been deceived by an adult.”
@ottisthepitbull Mom you said we were getting a puppachino ?! #pitbullsoftiktok #fyp #pitmom #puppachino #vetchallenge
Screenshot images credits: © Ottis the Pitbull @ottisthepitbull/TikTok