In most cultures, a cemetery is hallowed ground and should be respected. Additionally, most people fear disturbing the deceased. However, a woman and her family recently visited a graveyard to find a unique name for her unborn baby girl. She and her children were reading names from tombstones and picking out their favorites. Although the video showed a family harmlessly walking around a cemetery, it sparked heated discussion among netizens.
TikTok celebrity Haley Brooks Hodge often shares family-related videos on her page. Recently, she could not think of a unique name for her unborn daughter. Haley is about to have her fourth daughter but could not come up with a name for her at the moment. She resorted to her followers on social media for their opinions but could not find a name to satisfy her. Unexpectedly, she decided to take her family and visit the famous local “Old Smithville Burying Ground” in Southport, North Carolina, hoping to find unique names in tombstones to her satisfaction. In the video, you will hear Haley and her children read the names of the tombstones. However, netizens claim that reading the names of the deceased is quite bold, and the video sparked criticism from many people who believed that such behavior is inappropriate.
Haley later explained that she decided to visit the graveyard to find a name for her baby since her parents named her sister after a name they saw on a tombstone. Her sister grew up happy and safe, contrary to superstitious beliefs from various cultures. “I didn’t encounter any bad things when I was growing up,” Haley said. “So, I don’t think such behavior is superstitious or bad.”
@hodgehouse Fun fact: My sister came from someones gravestone 🤍 #babynames #southport #love #fyp #viral #weird #graveyard
Different people have different beliefs. Visiting a graveyard to find a unique name for your baby may be okay to some people, and others find this a form of disrespect for the deceased. Haley and her family visited a graveyard with no intention of contempt for the dead. Her beliefs may differ from other people, but others say it is ridiculous to visit a graveyard to find a name for your unborn child. What do you think?
Screenshot images and Video credits: © ✨ Hodge Fam ✨ @hodgehouse/TikTok